Funky Fat Foods - Blog

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StoriesRevolutionizing Fitness by Empowering the Mind and Body with Jenna Willis

Revolutionizing Fitness by Empowering the Mind and Body with Jenna Willis

Fitness has always played a significant role in Jenna's life, saving her from various challenges like anxiety and depression. Read all about Jenna's background story in this blog!

StoriesHigh-Protein Breakfasts for Stable Glucose Levels

High-Protein Breakfasts for Stable Glucose Levels

Discover the benefits of balanced blood sugar levels for improved energy, mood, and overall health. Explore our latest blog for valuable insights!

StoriesDitch the Carbs! Science-Based Insights on What Your Body’s Needs

Ditch the Carbs! Science-Based Insights on What Your Body’s Needs

Everything about essential vs non-essential nutrition. With science-based insights on what your body needs. From nutrients to your personal body's requirements.

HealthQ&A Sophie Bertrand - Nutritionist & Owner of Her Nutrition Consultancy

Q&A Sophie Bertrand - Nutritionist & Owner of Her Nutrition Consultancy

Sophie is an incredible advocate for holistic well-being and she has dedicated herself to exploring the world of personalized diets, uncovering the secrets of optimal nutrition.

HealthNutritionist Sharon Weers: A Personalized Approach to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Nutritionist Sharon Weers: A Personalized Approach to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

We had the pleasure of interviewing Sharon Weers, nutritionist at The Nourishing State. Her story inspires many who are dealing with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

StoriesSimona Zucca - Biohacking Her Metabolism through OMAD and High-Protein Keto Diet

Simona Zucca - Biohacking Her Metabolism through OMAD and High-Protein Keto Diet

In today’s podcast, we have a special guest, Simona Zucca the founder of trust no carb. Today everything about OMAD and a high protein keto diet!